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Unlimited Automations With N8N

Table of Contents

Tools/Software Required:

Step 1: Clone The Github Repository

Navigate to and search for

Once you find the correct repository you will want to click the fork button which will create your own repository.

Name it whatever you would like and enter your details.

Step 2: Create Render Account

Head to and create an account.

Once your account is created click on the New button in the top right hand corner.

Create new web service.

Set up your payment plan.

Add your environment variables.

Click deploy.

Variables To Add:

For the webhook URL be sure to enter your own instance URL which you can find by clicking dashboard, then clicking on your instance and then you will see the URL in the top left corner


Step 3: Adding a Persistent Disk

If you do not add a persistent disk then every time you spin up a new instance you will loose all of your work from within n8n.

In order to add a disk you will click on disks from within the left hand sidebar.

Under disk configuration add the following.


Pick your storage volume. 1gb should be more than enough.

Step 4: Staying Up To Date

As updates are made the main repository you will want to occasionally head back to Github and click sync fork. 

Once you click sync fork your Render instance will be automatically updated.

The sync usually takes a couple minutes and after that your are all up to date.

Download The Blueprints:

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